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Q&A: Marco Hochstrasser

The kickoff keynote at Cloud Foundry Summit 2015 is getting closer. One of our speakers is Marco Hochstrasser CEO of Swisscom Cloud Lab and Head Application Cloud. His talk will examine the difficulties faced supplying data to Cloud Foundry applications, look at how organisations are currently adressing the issue, and discuss potential long-term solutions.


Tell us a little bit about yourself and your career history

I’m a Cloud Foundry enthusiast working at Swisscom and running the PaaS Team.

How did you get involved in Cloud Foundry?

I started using and collaborating with Cloud Foundry around 2013.


What you are speaking about at CF Summit?

How we can have statefull-services managed better within the Cloud Foundry context and what kind of challenges we face in this area.

Why do you think what your talk is about is important?

Independent stateful-services are the next challenge we as a CF community need to work on.

What do you hope people learn?

Where Cloud Foundry services have their limits and where we need to work on.

If you haven’t registered for Cloud Foundry Summit yet (May 11-12 in Santa Clara, Ca.), there’s still time.