Become a Member of Cloud Foundry Foundation
Build the Future of Cloud Native
Leverage the benefits of cloud native technologies and be at the forefront of innovation, whether you’re using, selling or creating technologies to empower enterprises to transition seamlessly to the cloud.
Why Join?

Grow the Technology
Through your membership, we enable businesses of all sizes to collaborate and share R&D with other industry leaders in a non-competitive environment with a shared vision for Cloud Foundry projects, the cloud native landscape and open source technologies.

Grow the Ecosystem
A vibrant ecosystem means more end users on the platform. This leads to more successful distributions of the technology, which leads to more opportunity for SIs and ISVs, which leads to more users. It’s a virtuous cycle.

Grow the Community
Your engagement as a member in turn maximizes the economic value of your membership. Your membership makes it possible for the Foundation to remain an agnostic voice in a competitive cloud market and it equips us with the means to bring events, training and certification to the broader Cloud Foundry ecosystem and to heighten awareness and adoption of the projects.
How You Fit In
Are you a Cloud Foundry end user?
- Get closer to the community of engineers and product managers building the Cloud Foundry family of technologies through sharing your experiences and evolving use cases
- Sponsor, attend and present at our worldwide events, where you can interact with other users and learn best practices around Cloud Foundry
- Encourage your teams to contribute upstream and influence vendor oversight of the projects
- Build relationships with other members, including other end users and providers, to gain a deeper understanding of the broader cloud native ecosystem, as well as how other users are managing their platforms
Are you a software vendor or systems integrator?
- Demonstrate your commitment to the Cloud Foundry family of projects, in which a large portion of the Fortune 500 have heavily invested
- Build relationships and engage with the rest of the ecosystem, making it faster and easier to build a business on top of, and around, Cloud Foundry technologies
- Work hand-in-hand with both providers and potential buyers
Work hand-in-hand with both providers and potential buyers
- Work hand-in-hand with both providers and potential buyers
- Gain access to the industry’s best market research and some of the largest cloud companies in the world
How to Join
If you are interested in supporting the Foundation and the open-source community financially, please login to your Linux Foundation account and complete the auto-enrollment.