Welcome to the Cloud Foundry Community
We are focused on exchanging practical experience — inclusive of people across race, gender, and orientation, as well as lifestyle, level of experience, and area of expertise. We are pragmatic, respectful, and committed to listening to thoughtful and honest perspectives.
Our community focuses on bringing together people passionate about building a stable and sustainable platform while being kind to each other. We strictly abide by our code of conduct and strive to build a welcoming and inclusive community.
Meet the People
The Cloud Foundry community is large and still growing. These online communities help you get quickly connected with a community member or the Foundation.
Educate Yourself
What is Cloud Foundry
Cloud Foundry is an open source, multi-cloud application platform, delivered as-a-Service (PaaS). Cloud Foundry is a project of the Linux Foundation, a 501(c)(6) organization.
Cloud Foundry offers a flexible way of embracing digital transformation to help businesses evolve in the face of constant change, saves time, and optimizes application delivery.
The Cloud Foundry Foundation houses complementary open source technologies focused on application developers and operators, as well as many projects to support and extend them.
Educate Yourself
Cloud Foundry Documentation
Cloud Foundry provides choice when it comes to clouds, developer frameworks, and application services. Cloud Foundry makes it faster and easier to build, test, deploy and scale applications.
Contribute to Docs!
As an open source project, Cloud Foundry relies heavily on the community to create, maintain, and update the documentation and help new and existing users.
Whether you are an experienced user or a beginner just getting started, you can always become a Cloud Foundry contributor by contributing to the Cloud Foundry documentation. Here are a few examples of when you could contribute to cf-docs:
- You have noticed that a topic is incorrect or incomplete
- You are developing a new Cloud Foundry feature and want to tell users how to use it
- You don’t want someone else to go through what you just went through to figure something out
- You are a good person, and you want to help your fellow Cloud Foundry community members
Read more about contributing to cf-docs
Join the discussion on #cf-docs on CF-Slack (Not on Cloud Foundry Slack yet? Get your invite here.)
Educate Yourself
Become a Contributor
Contributing to Cloud Foundry can be as simple as submitting a pull request for a bug fix, feature update, documentation update, fixing a typo, etc. The Cloud Foundry community relies on its contributors to keep the technology and docs current.
Everyone is welcome to become a Cloud Foundry contributor. Getting started as a contributor in the community is the easiest way to offer your experiences and expertise to help improve the Cloud Foundry technology, community and documentation.
For larger contributions, it is always best to communicate with the relevant project team(s) before beginning your work. Sharing your intentions early and updating the community often go a long way in avoiding any surprises.
Get started as a Contributor; then:
- Join the discussions on Slack (Not on Cloud Foundry Slack yet? Get your invite here)
- Ask a question, respond to a question, or share an idea on this Cloud Foundry Developer mailing list
- Explore the Cloud Foundry GitHub repositories (sign the Contributor License Agreement if and when you’re ready to contribute to code or documentation)
- Join the community in person at a Cloud Foundry event
Events are a great way to meet your fellow Cloud Foundry users, share what you are doing, and learn from others.
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