Developer Report 2016

We find ourselves in the midst of a technology revolution in which businesses are changing the way they operate and even how they see themselves. More and more companies seek to transform themselves digitally, effectively becoming software companies—rather than shoe companies or shipping companies or financial services companies. In order to achieve this, they rely on an ever-increasing number of skilled developers with an ever-increasing variety of skills.

Cloud Foundry’s latest Global Perception Study reveals that we are beginning to see the early stages of a skills shortage. The majority of respondents say there is already, or will soon be, a shortage of skilled developers. Most already feel the impact of this shortage, as is reflected in their difficulty hiring and retaining skilled people.

The report Identifying the Developer Gap seeks to understand the skills in greatest demand, and solutions to addressing the skills shortage.

We invite you to share your feedback with us by emailing our head of marketing, Devin Davis, at [email protected].