An Introduction to BUCC (BOSH, UAA, Credhub and Concourse)


Cost: Free
Level: Intermediate
Delivery: Online Video

The benefits of using BUCC (BOSH, UAA, Credhub and Concourse) will be demonstrated, by creating a real world concourse pipeline to deploy a production Cloud Foundry, using the cf-deployment repository. Topics which will be discussed include: cloud-config, config-server, credhub, Concourse Credhub integration, variables in deployment manifests.


About Ruben Koster

Ruben Koster is a Cloud Foundry / BOSH veteran and has been an active in the community for more then 5 years. As the first employee of Stark & Wayne he has given customer training, spoken at the S&W academy and meetup presentations. Some of his recent projects are:

About Ramon Makkelie

Ramon Makkelie is a Cloud Foundry / BOSH expert and has been active in the community for more then 5 years. used Cloudfoundry from day 1 and have used this knowledge to setup Cloudfoundry/BOSH at a mayor airliner Some of his recent project are: