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Press Release

Cloud Foundry Foundation Announces Initial Schedule for 2019 North America Summit

c-com, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Mailchimp and Cloud Foundry PMC Council lead conversations on keynote stage at the Philadelphia event

SAN FRANCISCO — January 16, 2019 — Cloud Foundry Foundation, home to a family of interoperable open source projects for the enterprise, announced today that c-com, Dick’s Sporting Goods and Mailchimp, among others, will take center stage at the annual North America Summit at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA, April 2-4, 2019. Early bird registration, which ends January 23, offers more than 40 percent off standard pricing.

“At this year’s North America Summit, Cloud Foundry users and developers will have the opportunity to see the platform in production, discuss its growth and connect with peers on building a cloud native future. We are excited to return to the east coast this year, and I would especially like to thank our Diamond sponsors Comcast and VMware,” said Abby Kearns, Executive Director, Cloud Foundry Foundation. “I’m also thrilled that more than half of our confirmed keynote speakers identify as women for the third year running. All things considered, this is shaping up to be the best Summit to date.”

The Cloud Foundry North America Summit is where developers, operators, CIOs and other IT professionals go to learn and share Cloud Foundry best practices from those who build and use it every day. The 2019 North America Summit in Philadelphia will maintain the conversational format of previous Cloud Foundry summits, primarily serving as a forum for technology providers and end-users to connect and see how others are using Cloud Foundry to support continuous innovation and application portability. Attendees will also gain first-hand access to Cloud Foundry roadmaps, training and tutorials.


  • Dieu Cao, PMC Council Chair, Cloud Foundry community, will give a Cloud Foundry demo on the keynote stage. Dieu currently works on product strategy for VMware Application Service and has been a core contributor to Cloud Foundry since 2014.
  • Chip Childers, Chief Technology Officer of Cloud Foundry Foundation, will share innovations and improvements to the Cloud Foundry projects over the past year and more on the project roadmap for 2019.
  • Mariesa Dale, Design Manager at Mailchimp, will speak about her Hippocratic Oath for Technologies, which she created in 2018 after a period of especially consequential design work which warranted thoughtful consideration of ethical outcomes.
  • Abby Kearns, Executive Director of Cloud Foundry Foundation, will discuss how to master the new reality of a rapidly changing technology industry and why adapting is more important than adopting when it comes to building the future of your business.
  • Matti Maier, IT Manager, c-Com, and Jay Piskorik, Director of Platform Engineering, Dick’s Sporting Goods, will join the end user panel to discuss how both companies are using Cloud Foundry in production.
  • Denise Yu, Software Engineer at VMware, will speak on empathy-driven development, drawing from her work with open source projects including BOSH, Cloud Controller and several service brokers.

Additional keynotes will be announced in the coming months.

Breakout Tracks include:

  • Cloud Foundry 101
    • Comcast’s Charlie Baum will discuss using open source tools to easily deploy production-ready Cloud Foundry in less than a day.
  • Cloud Foundry for Developers
    • VMware’s Tian Wang and Anubha Dubey will lead a session on how the Cloud Foundry Service Mesh could solve identity and access management for workloads.
  • Core Projects and Experiments & Extensions
    • SUSE’s Troy Topnik and IBM’s Bo Yang will discuss how to customize the Cloud Foundry User Interface through the Stratos extension framework.
  • Cloud Foundry End User Stories
    • Bryon Kroger of the United States Air Force and Quynh Tran at Raytheon will lead a discussion titled “#testedAF: Test All the Things (not just your units).”

Other highlights include:

  • User Day, a full-day event preceding the Summit, created exclusively for Cloud Foundry end users to talk shop and trade best practices.
  • A free Hackathon for developers. First place winners will be announced on stage during the Thursday morning keynotes.
  • Hands-on training workshops for all levels and an optional Certified Developer Exam (add-ons during registration).

Find the full schedule here:

Register online here:

Cloud Foundry is an open source technology backed by the largest technology companies in the world, including Dell EMC, Google, IBM, Microsoft, VMware, SAP and SUSE, and is being used by leaders in manufacturing, telecommunications and financial services. Only Cloud Foundry delivers the velocity needed to continuously deliver apps at the speed of business. Cloud Foundry’s container-based architecture runs apps in any language on your choice of cloud — Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure, OpenStack, VMware vSphere, and more. With a robust services ecosystem and simple integration with existing technologies, Cloud Foundry is the modern standard for mission critical apps for global organizations.

About Cloud Foundry Foundation

The Cloud Foundry Foundation is an independent non-profit open source organization formed to sustain the development, promotion and adoption of Cloud Foundry as the industry standard for delivering the best developer experiences to companies of all sizes. The Foundation projects include Cloud Foundry Application Runtime, Cloud Foundry Container Runtime, BOSH, Open Service Broker API, Eirini, CF Containerization, Abacus, CF-Local, CredHub, ServiceFabrik, Stratos and more. Cloud Foundry makes it faster and easier to build, test, deploy and scale applications, and is used by more than half the Fortune 500, representing nearly $15 trillion in combined revenue. Cloud Foundry is hosted by The Linux Foundation and is an Apache 2.0 licensed project available on Github: To learn more, visit:

Caitlyn O’Connell
Cloud Foundry Foundation
[email protected]


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Caitlyn O'Connell, AUTHOR

As Senior Marketing Manager of Cloud Foundry Foundation, Caitlyn runs content and manages diversity programming.