Last week, 2017 Certified Platform and founding Foundation member SAP announced a litany of exciting new features at Sapphire Now — including the general availability of Cloud Foundry within the SAP Cloud Platform. Bjoern Goerke, CTO at SAP and Cloud Platform President, explains that Cloud Foundry is the best choice for SAP Cloud Platform’s new multi-cloud architecture, as it “is supported by all major cloud providers.”
The Foundation has believed from day one in the necessity of multi-cloud architecture to prevent vendor lock-in and enable users the flexibility to utilize their preferred cloud provider(s). SAP Cloud Platform is now the first and only end-to-end digital enterprise platform that is fully multi-cloud, meaning users can manage and operate apps on any cloud, including AWS and SAP, Azure — currently in BETA — and, soon, Google Cloud Platform.
As companies undergo digital transformation, they must adopt an agile approach and develop a holistic strategy to address the major aspects of a cloud platform, which include the technology itself; business services and developers; and ecosystem and marketplace. For industries to make this enormous shift into the digital realm, they require a platform like SAP Cloud Platform “to escape from old delivery paradigms to become agile, optimized and digital enterprises,” according to Goerke.
Cloud platform evangelist Matthias Steiner published a detailed post on the continuous innovation behind SAP Cloud Platform, explaining the stack infrastructure piece by piece. He writes, “incorporating Cloud Foundry in SAP Cloud Platform is a continuation of our open platform strategy, which has always been a guiding principle for us.” Steiner also provides a clear overview of the architecture in this diagram:

(c) SAP
The Cloud Foundry message has always been that the platform is a positive-sum game — and we are thrilled that SAP Cloud Platform has modeled itself on this shared ideology. Be sure to visit the SAP blog for more information about the general availability of Cloud Foundry within SAP Cloud Platform!