Today, Cloud Foundry Foundation excitedly announced the launch of the Open Service Broker API project, in partnership with individuals representing Fujitsu, Google, IBM, VMware and Red Hat. The Open Service Broker API project provides developers, ISVs and SaaS vendors a single, simple and elegant way to deliver services to applications running within cloud native offerings, including Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes.
Many large companies are already in the process of implementing service brokers, including Google, Red Hat and Microsoft. Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s Kubernetes service catalog special interest group (SIG) is incubating integration of the Open Service Broker API.
Join us today, December 13 at 11am PST/2pm EST for a Twitter chat to discuss the Service Broker API — and the cloud services integral to developers and the industry as a whole. Cloud Foundry Foundation’s Executive Director Abby Kearns will be there along with RedMonk analyst, Stephen O’Grady. Be sure to join the conversation by following the hashtag #Appserviceschat when you join our crowd chat:
If you have specific questions that you would like to ask, please tweet at @CloudFoundry. We encourage you to participate in the chat by including the hashtag #Appserviceschat in your tweets and responses.
Happy tweeting!