Cloud Foundry Application Runtime (CFAR) is a code-centric platform that simplifies the lives of developers. It takes your code, written in any language or framework, and runs it on any cloud. This flexibility extends to services as well, thanks to the Open Service Broker API, which makes it easy to integrate the services your apps need to run.
cf push — And Your App is Live
When you push an application to Cloud Foundry Application Runtime, you are interacting directly with the Cloud Controller.
On entering the command cf push, the Application Runtime executes a series of operations that start with bundling the app, staging it, storing any large binary files in the blob storage (such as code packages, buildpacks or droplets), and then running the application as is or pulling a container from a container registry. In addition, CF Application Runtime has a series of logging and health monitoring components that work together to ensure the application keeps running.
Your Language, Your Choice
Cloud Foundry Application Runtime works with the language you love to code in. Check out the how cf push works with your favorite language below.
var $ = jQuery.noConflict();
Build & Run Your Applications
The Cloud Controller directs the Diego Brain to coordinate individual Diego cells and initiate the process of building, staging and running the application.
Handle Networking & Configuration
There are various components that assist in configuring CF Application Runtime. For example, the router directs incoming traffic to the appropriate component, either a Cloud Controller component or a hosted application running on a Diego cell. The User Account and Authentication Server (UAA) is responsible for identity management.
Logs & Monitors
The metrics collector gathers statistics from the platform components. Operations can use this to monitor applications deployed on CF Application Runtime or can integrate with existing application logging and monitoring solutions like Splunk, Logstash, New Relic, Datadog and Dynatrace.
Integrates Platform Services
Applications typically depend on services such as databases or third-party SaaS providers. When a developer provisions and binds a service to an application, the open service broker for that service is responsible for providing the service instance.
CF Application Runtime’s Service Broker API accelerates the expansion of the global cloud ecosystem, including projects in Google and Microsoft, by providing a single path for developers to add services to applications. Now developers can write and configure against a single API, and reach many developers across multiple platforms. Learn more at Open Service Broker API.
Get a Certified Platform
The certified version of Cloud Foundry Application Runtime includes key features to help enterprise developers build and deploy their applications. Visit the Application Runtime PMC to learn more about individual projects