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How VMware Tanzu Simplifies the Kubernetes Experience on Cloud Foundry

Cloud Foundry + Kubernetes

Prior to the rise of Kubernetes, application development portability was a challenge for developers who had to write code for their applications and configuration management tools in sometimes non-repeatable frameworks.

 “Kubernetes changed a lot of this paradigm by abstracting away infrastructure,” Boskey Savla, technical marketing manager at VMware, said during a presentation at the virtual 2020 Cloud Foundry Summit North America.

How does it work? Kubernetes removes the need to create specialized code for every infrastructure provider and allows the Kubernetes API to handle all workload creation and deployment workloads for each particular infrastructure domain, she added.

Additionally, Kubernetes’ application awareness provides a resource object defined for specific needs of every application — another benefit. “This is where the power comes in, where the wall is broken and the development teams themselves can define very simply what the end state of that workload needs to be and push it to a K8s API,” Savla explained.

 “The API in the Kubernetes backend works with your infra provider to make all of this magic happen,” she said, describing this as being at the “crux of why Kubernetes is so popular.”

The Vision for TAS4K8S

With VMware’s Tanzu Application Service for Kubernetes (TAS4K8S), Savla and her colleagues are working to create a new integration between Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes.

 “Cloud Foundry, which is a PaaS, is very popular with development teams because of the simple user experience that it gives developers — you can simply write your code to a cf push and then Cloud Foundry completely takes over and maintains your application for you,” she explained.

By bringing TAS4K8S and Cloud Foundry together, developers gain a more “rock solid” foundation. It provides the familiar cf push experience alongside the infrastructure abstraction and other capabilities that Kubernetes delivers, enabling a powerful developer experience built with the flexibility and modularity of Kubernetes and the simplicity and efficiency of Cloud Foundry.

Watch the complete Cloud Foundry NA Summit 2020 panel “Simplified Kubernetes User Experience With TAS4K8S” below:

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Caitlyn O'Connell, AUTHOR

As Senior Marketing Manager of Cloud Foundry Foundation, Caitlyn runs content and manages diversity programming.